Our agency has roots back in 1999. From humble beginnings on small projects, we have gradually become part of large movie projects. After more than 22 years of our existence, we have gained lots and lots of experience, hundreds of shot advertisements, movies, and series. During these years, we have cast extras, featured extras, and actors in more than 60 blockbusters. Such a wide filmography has no casting agency on the Czech market. We have the honour to cooperate on the biggest movie projects in this country. We are the number one, we are EXTRAFILMS!
faces in database
shooting days per year (on average)
What do you ask us the most?
We do not force you to become the new Spider-Man, the Count of Monte Christo, or Bruce Wayne. But we can bring into your life the thrill of war crossfire, the tension of espionage work, or the undying romance of epics. With us, you may live through everything and then go to sleep at home in the evening with the feeling that you have AGAIN experienced something new! It does not matter whether it is an advertisement, large film production, or dress rehearsal of an American series.
The director chooses you for his or her blockbuster. Without delay, we tell you this exciting news and arrange a dress rehearsal. There, you learn the details. With whom you will fight, who you should shoot down or hold hands with. You learn everything important. Including the dates of the shooting days. One takes about 12 hours. Like everything now, even here may sometimes happen some changes. But we will inform you in time. It is not only work during the shooting day. Besides the exciting experience, we also take care of the catering. Usually, 3 meals a day, though, there are some exceptions. But never eat on stage and certainly do not touch alcohol. You will receive your payment after the last shooting day. When the shooting is going for more than 20 days, we may agree on an advance or partial payment. We arrange this individually.
Simply come over. Check the dates, we always announce them in advance. Or try our website. Or try our new app. Or do nothing and pass your place to others…
The easiest way is to fill in the online registration form on our website. We will contact you and arrange a personal phototest.